Ted hits the airwaves!
Ted Heusel began his broadcasting career working part time at 1050-AM WPAG while he was in graduate
school. He also spent time as a disc jockey on AM 1290 WOIA. In 1956, Ted became what was very likely the
first radio-call-in talk show host in the world. Ted was on the air at WOIA and decided to open up the phones and have
listeners call to discuss an upcoming area election. In a 1987 article in the Ann Arbor Observer, Ted described
the moment, saying, "I was running records one day and I decided, what the hell, let's start talking."

A dapper young Ted |
In addition to creating the radio talk show, and "open-lines" format where callers are not screened before going on the
air, Ted Heusel was also the first radio broadcaster in Ann Arbor to give listeners daily police reports from the police station.
He was also the first to provide election night radio broadcasts from City Hall, The Couny Building, and schools during their
elections. Another accomplishment of note; Ted provided thousands of needy children with TEDDY bears over the years,
thanks to his on-air solicitations during the holiday season.
In a 1995 Ann Arbor News article, the late Steve Filipiak said, "People trust Ted Heusel." Filipiak added, that's
what sets Ted apart from talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, and Howard Stern. Filipiak said Heusel is "homespun, and
people admire his work wether in the Ann Arbor Civic Theater, or as a radio host. He's a different breed." Steve
Filipiak was a long time friend, colleague, and mentor to Ted Heusel.

Ted talks with young Mark O'Reilly in 1967 |

Ted and two of his children on a remote broadcast. |